Florian D. Loch
Young, enthusiastic computer scientist and avid software engineer with a passion for modern stacks and tools.
Personal information
Work experience
Senior Site Reliability Engineer at Exaring AG (waipu.tv)
Exaring AG, Munich
Part of the infrastructure team; hybrid role as Site Reliability Engineer and Sofware Engineer; developing (technical) microservices and operating one of Germany's biggest IP-TV platforms.
Software developer at SAP SE
SAP SE, Walldorf
Working on SAP Data Hub (management, governance, analysis and processing of big data), part of SAP's Big Data strategy (Go, Kubernetes, distributed systems).
Web security researcher at SAP SE
SAP SE, SAP Innovation Center Karlsruhe
Researching concepts and implementation of technologies to detect and mitigate Cross-Site-Scripting vulnerabilites in web applications during the SAP Master Scholarship. Contributions to various research projects.
Corporate study at SAP SE
SAP SE, Walldorf
Corporate study in cooperation with SAP SE, engagement as developer among others in the following areas: CRM development (SAP UI5, ABAP), Internal Tools (AngularJS, Node.js), Transportation Management (HANA XS, HANA DB), Web Security Research (Node.js).
Computer assistance & web design
Self-employed additional business beside school and studies
Work experience abroad
Three-month internship in China
SAP Labs, Shanghai
Self-organized stay as (optional) part of corporate study program. Developing an import/export component for an application contained in the SAP Transportation Management solution.
B. Sc. in applied computer science
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe
Corporate studies in cooperation with SAP SE.
Title of bachelor thesis: "Implementation of a tool to support browser-based detection of XSS vulnerabilities"
GPA: 1.3
M. Sc. in computer science
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Complementary subject: Law
Extract of content of studies:
  • Lecture "Machine learning I & II"
  • Lecture "Compiler construction and language technology"
  • Practicum "Compiler construction"
  • Practicum "Praxis of multicore programming"
  • Lectures "Security", "Symmetrical cryptography" and "Security in computer networks"
  • Lecture "Processes for analyzing big data"
Title of thesis: "Juturna: Lightweight, Pluggable and Selective Taint Tracking for Java
GPA: 1.3
A level
Heinrich-Emanual-Merck-Schule, Darmstadt
Technical grammar school, focus on computer science, 'A' level subjects were English and computer science. Graduation diploma: 1.3
Further qualifications
Qualified instructor for IT apprenticeships
Qualified by IHK to instruct IT specialists as part of their apprenticeship
Scientific publication
Published the paper "Hybrid taint analysis for Java EE" at the ACM SAC 2020
Programming and technology
Programmer with heart und soul, staying up-to-date, Arduino & co., building stuff I consider useful using modern stacks, continously optimizing my working environment, see my GitHub account.
Travel and landscape photography, always chasing the best shot.
Explore foreign cultures, countries and dishes. Fascinated by Asia.
Love being outdoors
Road biking, hiking and paragliding
  • Cassette: Tiny web service enabling users to pause/resume audiobooks on Spotify using their Web API. Buil with Golang and Vue.js.
    » cassette.fdlo.ch
  • Another web app based on the Spotify Web API. Aiming at making it easier to find great audiobooks in their catalog. Consisting of a crawler written in Java, REST service written in Kotlin and a Vue.js-based frontend.
  • "The Pragmatic Programmer" by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas
  • "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari
Technical skills
Java SE & Java EE, Kotlin, Maven, JPA & Hibernate, JUnit, ...
Node.js + npm, ES6, TypeScript, mocha + chai, Grunt, ...
JS frameworks & libraries
Vue.js & ecosystem, AngularJS, Chart.js, socket.io, jQuery, ...
Frontend design
HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Bulma, web security, Pug, Sass, ...
Further languages
Python, Ruby, C++, ShellScript
Databases & key-value stores
Database design, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, DynamoDB ...
Software engineering
Software architectures and interface design, RESTful-APIs, testing, Clean Code, Scrum & agile methods, requirements engineering...
DevOps & tooling
Linux/UNIX, git, Kubernetes, Helm, Docker, Vagrant, Make, zsh, tmux, CI & CD, IaaS & PaaS ...
Soft skills
Native speaker
Business fluent
Ability to work in a team
Working in a team is far more than just sharing work
Willing to learn
Open to learn new things, dive into new challenges and solve new problems
Communication and presentation skills